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Conflict of Interest
When submitting a manuscript to the Recent in Engineering Science and Technology, authors must declare the presence/absence of any competing financial and/or non-financial interests.
In the interests of transparency and to help readers form their own judgments about possible bias, Recent in Engineering Science and Technology authors to declare any competing financial and/or non-financial interests in the work described.
Authors should indicate all the information necessary to confirm transparency in terms of potential financial interests:
- organizations interested in financing this development, the specific roles of such organizations in the design of the study or work with certain parts of the manuscript, including collection, analysis, systematization of the data given in the manuscript, as well as in deciding on the publication of the manuscript;
- organizations that can extract financial interests from the publication of a manuscript or incur losses as a result of its publication as a finished article in a journal;
- organizations that finance research at the material level (equipment, tooling, components, consumables, reagents, etc.) and/or payroll.
Authors are encouraged to provide information regarding personal financial interests if they can influence others who may suffer losses as a result of the publication of the manuscript as an article in the journal.
Other financial interests not specifically listed here, which may have any, even indirect negative impact, must be indicated to fully confirm the absence of a conflict of interest. Authors are encouraged to also disclose non-financial competing interests if they could be adversely affected, including indirectly. Where authors are subject to confidentiality obligations that preclude them from disclosing all or part of information relating to financial or non-financial interests, the editorial board recognizes their full right to disclosure of these interests. and does not require keep a secret. In this case, it is sufficient for the author to declare the conflict of interest at the time the manuscript is submitted to the editor.
For peer reviewers, the editors require confirmation that there are no conflicts of interest at the manuscript selection stage or upon receipt of the manuscript by the reviewers. If such discrepancies are identified during the peer review stage, the reviewers are obliged to notify the editor and refuse to review this manuscript. In such situations, editors follow recommendations.